
Stuck In A Sign In Loop?

by  |  earlier

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I am presented with a page to enter my user name and pwd. Once I enter this information a pop-up appears where i must enter my user name and pwd, once I do that it disappears and I see the sign in page again and then it loops again and again etc. How can I end this so i can BUY a song? It's funny that to buy a stupid .79 song I am stuck in a loop, but if I click on the link to upgrade my account which costs 5.95/mo I am not prompted for acct info?

Please help!!!!




  1. I'm not sure from your description if this is a temporary or permanent problem.  I stay signed on Yahoo by saying to keep me signed on for 2 weeks.  Just go to and on the right hand side by my name, click sign out.  Next click sign in and check the box for 2 weeks.  Now you should not have to sign on to Yahoo Music Jukebox because you are already signed on.  This is a circumvention.  You might want to report the problem to Yahoo (make sure you are at the latest level of YMJ which is  If my circumvention still does not work, try deleting all your Yahoo! cookies (you might have a bad cookie, I like chocolate chip).  Good luck.

  2. try reload or refresh

  3. gh ghj

  4. I would love to give you a solution to your problem, but maybe you can find some comfort in knowing that I have had the same problem, all day.  Very persistent and quite annoying.

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