
Studdying tip: tell me if this makes sense?

by  |  earlier

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It is true that when a person is under a lot of stress they tend to remember things better... simply put, stress helps improve memory.

So say there is a student who needs to study for a test, and can't seem to retain anything... what if that student went on youtube and watched some violent accident videos, or pornographic videos while studdying, would that help him with retaining the information???

Idk y im asking, just curious what people will think...




  1. that would be a way of taking a break from ur studys, well, do sumthing that can help instead of jsut staring and having ur mind blank

  2. yay p**n...jk i have no idea.

  3. It has been my experience that stress does not improve memory.  Instead of being able to focus on details, my stressed out mind will only remember a few details that impressed me the most.  Unfortunately, they may not be the correct details to remember.

    The most important details for a test would elude me if I was stressed.  I would read and "study" but, it would be meaningless effort because I would not retain anything.

    Also, I would have to be careful of my choice of relaxation.  The mind is a powerful thing and I could waste a lot of valuable study time procrastinating.

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