For the past year I've been studying Chinese at a University. In April this past year, my Chinese professor introduced me to a friend of hers from China who is here studying for his TOEFL. Starting in April, we met everyday for nearly 2 months (April-Mid June) helping each other with Chinese and English. Mid June he started vacationing up north and we have talked online off and on since then. I have not told him but I've lost interest in the language. Not complete interest, but I'm studying more as a hobby and I feel I'm not as dedicated as he'd like me to be. I've not told him but I was more interested in learning Japanese which is one reason I have been kind of slumping with my Chinese. I do want to learn Chinese but he wants me to be completely dedicated to the language. He used to be a Chinese elementary school teacher, he teaches OK. I'll be taking Japanese and not Chinese this fall.
So should I tell him that I do not want to learn Chinese with him any more?