
**Student Advice!**?

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For the past year I've been studying Chinese at a University. In April this past year, my Chinese professor introduced me to a friend of hers from China who is here studying for his TOEFL. Starting in April, we met everyday for nearly 2 months (April-Mid June) helping each other with Chinese and English. Mid June he started vacationing up north and we have talked online off and on since then. I have not told him but I've lost interest in the language. Not complete interest, but I'm studying more as a hobby and I feel I'm not as dedicated as he'd like me to be. I've not told him but I was more interested in learning Japanese which is one reason I have been kind of slumping with my Chinese. I do want to learn Chinese but he wants me to be completely dedicated to the language. He used to be a Chinese elementary school teacher, he teaches OK. I'll be taking Japanese and not Chinese this fall.

So should I tell him that I do not want to learn Chinese with him any more?




  1. Yes, you should tell him that you do not want to learn Chinese anymore.

      However, the way you go about telling him is important. As you mentioned, he is a nice guy and is passionate about the language. Therefore, it is likely that he may be offended and hurt if the situation is not resolved properly. I suggest that you meet with him in person to explain to him that recently, with school and work, you don't feel you will be able to put in enough time into learning to make his effort in teaching worthwhile. I do not recommend that you want to learn Japanese INSTEAD of Chinese, but rather simply say, "I am also learning Japanese, and find that since it is the course I am taking in school, it requires alot of time since my grades depend upon it." That way, it doesn't seem like you think Japanese is a better language than Chinese, simply that you like and wish to learn both languages, but only have time for Japanese, as it is part of your education. Also, I believe you should stress that he is a wonderful teacher, and that you wished you had the time to continue your lessons with him.

    Best of luck in your situation & studies!

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