
Student Teacher Relationship?

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Student Teacher Relationship?




  1. don't do it...... bad idea

  2. the student teacher relationship should always be professional, and it is the teachers responsibility to maintain that at all costs! students and teachers are not equals (in grade school) and the teachers should never allow the students to think so or risk losing respect and a healthy classroom environment. when the student feels they are equal or superior to the teacher they can fight for who is 'top dog' in the classroom and mess up the dynamic that provides safety and stability for the other students. if a teacher takes favor to a student it can affect their judgement on grading and unfairly help or hurt the student depending on the ourcome of the relationship. professionalism is always a must!

  3. Purest  selfless relationship continuing lifelong.

  4. students teachers relationship should me like a "water on a Lotus leaf"

  5. It should be pure like a devotee & GOD.

  6. You should ask the question in a way that makes it possible for us to know what you're really asking.  Those 3 word can be interpreted in MANY ways.

    A student-teacher relationship should be just that... a friendship based on an adult who wishes to help the student be the best s/he can be in life... and a student who wishes to learn all that s/he can.  Nothing more...  It should be more like a big brother/little brother or big sister/little sister friendship than anything else.


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