
Student and teacher bond?

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Okay so I had this band teacher the last semester of my 8th grade year because my past director resigned for the birth of twins. Anyway, I discovered a month or two into her teaching career (feb-march area of 2008) that I was starting to form a pretty good bond with her. Around April (I think) she helped me get through this thing where my friend was doing drugs and tell the gudiance consellor. Then after this my friend and I planned this thing where all the 8th graders pitched in $5 so we could get her a nice bouquet of flowers, and we had everyone write down comments. Anyway, I started taking private instrument lessons with her about a month ago since she plays the same instrument I do. Now it is August and I am attending a required high school band camp where we must learn to march well. I was freaking out so much and I thought I couldn't take marching... I was REALLY freaking out. So today in my lesson some how were talking about the music I was playing and before I knew it we were there talking about marching..and she just explained things for awhile and I told her how I felt. I thought about the conversation on the way home, and i started feeling better when I realized she is right. I sent her an email thanking her for the talk and stuff, and I told her she has proven herself to be not only a good teacher, but a great band mommy. Is this bond okay, and normal? I am really starting to feel like I can go to her with problems like marching issues, and she can help she is my mom when my mom actual mom isn't around. We email each other and stuff. I feel like we know each other pretty well. Is this okay? I mean, I know the limits and stuff...but I don't want to be doing something wrong. Just maing sure!




  1. It sounds fine to me. The things you guys talk about are normal and she gives you advice and gives you lessons, things a teacher does. It seems like a very good helpful relationship.

  2. It's fine.

    Teachers are there

    to help you and can possibly bond with you too.

    It's good to have a role model and someone

    you can turn to when you can't speak to anyone else.

  3. I think it is great that a teacher is bonding so well with her students.  It sounds like a healthy relationship, and I don't see how it could cause a problem.  It just shows she sincerely cares which is sometimes hard to find in today's school system.  

  4. She's simply fulfilling her calling and duties as a teacher and instructor ,,,, It's really great that she's the type of person some one like you can go to and talk about different things ,,,, Are you weird or is it wrong ?,,,, Absolutely not !,,,,  She's a rare breed so to speak and she's a valuable asset in your life ,,,, It's too bad there aren't more like her ,,,,  Value your friendship and contact with her ,,,,  Listen to what she says and make your own determinations ,,,, She's a kind concerned and caring person ,,,, She's not going to tell you anything that would hurt you ,,,,As I said there aren't many like her at all ,,,, Allot of teachers look at their duties as just a job or chore and develope an inpenatrable crust and could really care less ,,,,  Take advantage of her willingness to be your friend instructor and mentor ,,,, You'll be better off for it in the long run ,,,,  

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