
Student council slogan!?

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my names paige and i have elections tomorrow and i need a slogan! help!!!!!!!




  1. hey pplz my name is Camryn my friends call me cami and soo heres my slogan oh and btw imma running 4 secretary, srry Paige... k here it is  

                       The 8 Wonder Of The World, The Grand Camryn! (Canyon)

                                 Vote Her For Secretary :P

                                         Oh and btw im a GIRL!!

  2. hey pplz my name is Camryn my friends call me cami and soo heres my slogan oh and btw imma running 4 secretary, srry Paige... k here it is  

                       The 8 Wonder Of The World, The Grand Camryn! (Canyon)

                                 Vote Her For Secretary :P

  3. hey pplz my name is Camryn my friends call me cami and soo heres my slogan oh and btw imma running 4 secretary, srry Paige... k here it is  

                       The 8 Wounder Of The World, The Grand Camryn! (Canyon)

  4. change your underwear change your school!

  5. 2,4,6,8 vote for paige cuz she's great.

  6. making the world a better place since(birth year).(name). kind of late for this but whatevss

  7. Mallory for President

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