
Student credit cards with no bank account or job how do i get one?

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now i have money but i dont have a bank account or a job i will be a student soon who can i apply with that will accept me and doesnt do checks on accounts and such plz someone help me i want a card to raise my credit for the future of buying a business.




  1. That is wrong. You can get a secure credit card to build credit. How it works is.. You pay them 500 dollars or so (just for example) and then you use the credit card to build credit. It is a real credit card, talk to your local bank *BOA has one.. Almost all do*

  2. Go to walgreens and get a Greendot mastercard or visa.

  3. Student credit cards a great way to build credit.  If you're a student you should be able to find the places on campuses most of the time.  You can also apply for a student credit card online

  4. no one, you will need a co-signer more than likely a parent who has 'credit' history, hence them being credit cards.  if you haven't a bank account or a job even you have no reliable proof that you will be able to make payments.  no matter what you say to the credit company if you haven't any credit history they will not accept you.  sorry.

  5. moneymart prepaid mastercard gl

  6. I got accepted for a student card without a job.  U think you need at least a checking account though. has a seperate listing for student credit cards.  Go apply for one.  That is the only way to know if you will get accepted.

  7. GET THE Discover Student Credit Card, if your in school they will almost always approve you and give you a card.  If you use applyfastbankcards to apply you will get paid $40:)

    Good luck!

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