
Student problems for teacher.

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I'm a teacher and I have one student who is extremely talented at the subject but the other students seem to look to her for help instead of me.

Also, she doesn't really want to talk to me or anything and she's quiet in front of me but loud and bubbly with her friends.

Also, I think she's troubled by something as she looks upset sometimes but if I ask her what's wrong she'll just deny anything is wrong.

What's going on with her and what can I do to help the situation? Is it me going wrong as a teacher?




  1. I'm a teacher myself.  I don't see anything wrong with students turning to other students for help.  As a matter of fact I often ask the students who are good in certain subjects to help the students who have trouble in that subject.  Usually kids understand things better when it's being explained by someone their own age.  Also, students don't always feel comfortable with all of their teachers.  If she doesn't want to talk to you there is nothing you can do.  If you think there is a real problem with her then it is your responsibility to go to the school counselor and report it.  Other than that, maybe she's just stand offish and doesn't want to talk to you.  All you can do is let her know you are there for her if she ever wants to come to you.

  2. That used to happen to me, I was in class and people went up to me and asked if i knew the answer all the time. One day, the teacher was having trouble with a problem and she said, i give up, then the student asked "So, you don't know the answer" and she said "No, sorry, ask him" (pointing to me)

  3. your a teacher shes a student thiers a line between you ofcoarse she wont share her feelings with you just act like a teacher towards her not like her mother cuz then you might get into trouble

  4. She is shy, You can make her the class captain/prefect

    Or tell someone to monitor her in your absence.

  5. hello,

    i don't think that you are wrong!you are a teacher right?she is just a student!she is not suppose to be this way but if other children prefer her to teach them,i guess it is because children go good with other children more than elders!what left out now is she denies that something is might be something she would not want to tell you or something that is personal to her......don't worry and be happy!

  6. shes shy then im just like that I could be shot but I would deny it because it could be cause I think its somewhat my fault

  7. you don't say what the subject is, I think that would make it a littl easier to understand.

    I think students can be shy to ask questions and if they know a freind knows the answer it is easier to ask them.  I think it feels more independent to ask a friend than ask a teacher.

    I wonder if there is a personality clash, like you have too much in comon.  Maybe she is quieter in class because she is taking the lesson seriously or she want's you to see that she is mature as she respects you.  Maybe the lesons are too easy for her and she needs stretching?

    Have a chat with other teachers that have her for other lessons, see what they think.

  8. Let this student shine in class, but never forget that it is your show and you are the star.  Don't intrude on her personal problems, but be open to her when and if she wants to talk about it.

  9. The student is still not comfortable with you. You must win his/her confidence first. Sometimes it takes the students reactions and attitudes to assess our success as a teacher. You probably need to establish rapport among your children before you can succesfully impart the lesson. Mostly intelligent teachers fail because they lack the sense of humor and rapport. You have to estalish a stress-free learning situation.  

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