
Student teaching dress advice!?

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Hello all,

I am currently a Sr in college and will be student teaching this semester in grades 8-12 Health and Physical Education. Our College would like us to try and mimmick whatever our cooperating teacher wears, but the time I met her was during a dress down friday.

If there are any Health and PE teachers out there...what do you guys wear to school? Thanks! :)




  1. I am not a health and PE teacher, but I would think that nice slacks and a blouse would be perfectly suitable for your first day.  In the school environment today, dresses would not be appropriate in PE.   After your first day, you can see what the other teachers are wearing and dress accordingly.  

  2. I was a student teacher last semester.  And their PE teacher always wore sporty basketball type shorts and a t-shirt.  She is so lucky!!!  You should e-mail your cooperating teacher and just ask.  

  3. Were Running shorts Basket ball shorts and a Sports t shirt

  4. I'm not a Health and PE teacher but I will say it would be kind of hard to give tips when there are so many variables. Is the school in a middle class community or lower income neighborhood? Will you be participating in any athletic exercise, will you be teaching PE everyday or will you have days you only teach Health?

    My advice, call the teacher you will be working with and ask her. She will probably get a kick out of it and will be a good ice-breaker and something to laugh about at the end of your stay.

  5. i am 13(so in year 8) and most of my normal teachers(in the classroom) wear suits but my p.e teachers wear tracksuits or shorts(but we sometimes take the mic out of the men that wear  shorts because allot of them don't suite them lol.

    but after your first day you will see what all the other teachers there wear and you will probably find that it is the same as what you are wearing

    p.s  i would try now to wear any tracksuits with footie teams on them as if the kids there don't support that team they might give you hassle and i don't think you want that on you fist day there

    good luck for the new school year :D

  6. That sounds good. I mean you'll be teaching PE so you can't really drees up or anything like that. I would just wear what you described the first day and then follow suit afterwards.

  7. I think that you should wear a pair of black yoga pants, because they can look nice, but still be functional, and are always comfortable. With that, I think you should wear a plain, light coloured tank top (whatever colour looks best on you, some people look better in brown, some in blue, brunettes look better in purple, etc.) and a somewhat dressy dark-coloured blazer or knit cardigan. I would suggest not wearing much jewelery,  maybe just a plain beaded bracelet, and keeping it simple.Only wear light makeup, if any at all. Hope this helped! Peace out.

  8. I student taught in PE (elementary k-5 and middle school 6-8).  Our educator prep program told us not to wear shorts even though all of us in the group were P.E. and were being evaluated by former P.E. teachers.  My supervising teachers always wore shorts, not necessarily mesh, but usually athletic or khaki.  I always wore wind pants since they are athletic type and will not typically get ruined if you have a dry, windy day and there is a lot of dust.  Since you will also teach Health, wind pants would be great because you will be able to go back and for from the gym to the classroom without having to change clothes - as long as your school dress code will allow that.  Really the best thing is to be safe on the first day and then discuss it with your supervising teacher when you arrive at the school.  The P.E. teacher at the school I currently work at wears shorts and wind pants.  Denim is only allowed on Friday and that is something we cannot get our principal to budge on!

    Good luck with your student teaching, and I hope you have a wonderful experience.  Also, good luck with your job search - be sure to start your applications NOW!

  9. Hey I am doing the same thing only for Spanish!!! That's so cool! But you should wear some long athletic pants and a t-shirt...but you could also dress like all the other faculty and then can't really teach a PE class in heels and a dress, skirt, etc.

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