I am in high school and take mostly College Prep classes. The name itself means to prepare you for college. But over the years, I have noticed that in my school, the new, inexperienced goof off teachers get the college prep classes. While the Honors and AP classes get the good teachers that have been teaching for twenty years.
My freshman year was a perfect example of the injust ways. My English teacher spent class time talking about dating and hormones and how she needed to find a boyfriend instead of discussing Romeo and Juliet.
My history teacher goofed off and had no clue how to teach. He wrote terrible notes that didn't even have the main idea and gave no handouts of homework to study from.
So education is going down in my opinion. Kids do so bad on standaraized tests because they aren't taught the way they should be. And it's not fair that the Honors and AP students get the better teachers. Kids today are getting stupider and stupider because they are not being taught the proper way.
Have you as a student or teacher or parent noticed this?