
Students in Calgary (grade 9) what do you do in Physical Education (school gym)

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Hey, I'm moving to Calgary in September and was wondering what they do in Physical Education. Do they, like in Winnipeg, make you do these physical education tests. Eg. pushups, situps, stretching tests, running tests ect. I really like gym because we get to play games but hate those tests so if you could tell me the stuff they do then I can be mentally prepared. Thanks a lot!!!!




  1. Well Im going into grade 9 in Calgary and this is what we do at our school (Junior High School).

    For each term we do fitness testing which include: push ups, sit up (in 1 minute), 30 minute run, beep test, and agility test.

    But during the rest of the classes we first do volleyball then a dance unit. After Christmas break we do baskertball then badminton. For the last month or so we just play flag football of whatever we want

  2. try to look around on this site it's help

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