
Studies have show 75% of women don't know they're being harassed ?

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why is that?




  1. I can understand from the perspective of being not stupid but numb or something to insults and then later on I catch up to them but not in time to respond meaningfully.  When I'm insulted, it's my acculturated behaviors and trusting expectations of others, I think, that prop me up and when there's hostile or derogatory "in-coming", it just doesn't get through all of that wall of sensibility in time.  The last time I was harassed that subtly was while reclaiming a jacket  I had lost from security and the male clerk, most "pleasantly" and innocently playfully, snatched it away from me as I reached for it and teased, "Maybe you need someone to look after you." or something like that, referring to having misplaced the jacket.  THAT registered, thanks to GWS experience, and I emptied out a vase of flowers and water all over the man's work space and paperwork and walked out.  If that guy snatched a man's jacket back like that and said that to another man, the man would be pi%sed.  So, why is that kind of stuff supposed to be taken as a "compliment" by women?  What people oftentimes expect women to tolerate as "flirtation" is clearly harassment.

  2. Ha ha, I don't believe that.

    I think they exaggerated.

  3. When it's mild, they probably find it flattering.

  4. Harassment is the perception of the person supposed to be harassed.  100% of people who are harassed know it.  0% of people who are not harassed know it.

  5. When I was in school we had a feminist teacher (she did not last long) who implemented her idea of what harassment and respect was in the classroom.  Essentially it meant several weeks of boys being 'put in their place' for harassment, yet not one girl was ever chastised for disrespect towards boys.

    It is a bit like that interview with the nutty Indian politician who brought in those anti-abuse laws.  Idiots like her assert the complete right to determine harassment, where it occurs, what it is, and sometimes the punishment.

    There is definitely harassment law in place that needs to be there.  There are definitaly people of both sexes who are unaware of when they are being harassed, but 75%?  These sound like the sorts of figures 'discovered' by some looney leftie feminist university professor.

  6. If they don't know they're  being harassed, then they're probably not being harassed.

  7. How do you even begin to do a study like that?

    To parrot everyone else, if you don't know you're being harassed then chances are you aren't being harassed or in the case of a small population of people, you could have a mental handicap.

    We are to quick to label anything and everything as sexual harassment. If a male co worker asks a female out to dinner, that isn't sexual harassment. If a male boss says a female can't get a promotion without having s*x with him, that is sexual harassment.

  8. listen to Molly B

  9. those studies are themselves harassment, think about it

  10. I'm not sure one can be harassed without knowing it.

    Hong Kong's post above me must be another example of a man disliking feminism, but not women, that we keep hearing about here all the time.

  11. Probably because they're not being harrassed - and nor are a significant number of the other 25%.

  12. The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources ~ Einstein

    I would be concerned with how they could possibly accomplish this study.

  13. I think it would only be fair to post a link to at least one of these mysterious "studies".

  14. What are your sources?

    If someone with intelligence does not feel harassed, then no harass is going on.

    Unless you are talking about crimes, but this a very different story and i really don't think anyone is getting murdered without noticing it...

    If something offends you like a simple flirt and you feel harassed, this does not mean that this flirt offends everyone. Something that does not offend you is not a harrasment no matter what other people say.

  15. Wow, I know when I'm being harassed.  Do women not get nervous any more when a creep is hitting on them?  People are strange.

  16. If I need someone to tell me that I am being harassed then odds are I'm not being harassed.

    The littlest things are labeled as harassment, things that normal people don't think twice about like flirting or compliments.  It's ridiculous.

  17. As usual, if you want a good answer, listen to Molly or Eoghan.

  18. That's pure c**p.

    In order for something to count as TRUE harassment. The person being harassed must feel uncomfortable (in other words, she must KNOW she is being harassed).

    So if she is NOT aware of the "harassment" then its not really harassment.  

  19. If you were really being harassed you'd know about it, because unless you feel harassed - you aren't. If you aren't being made uncomfortable or embarrassed by the person in question's behaviour towards you, they are not harrassing you. No matter what some dumbass tries to tell you. You simply cannot be harassed and not know it. Try looking it up in a dictionary if that isn't clear.  

  20. I don't agree.  Harrassment is usually in your face kind of thing and you know about it, even if you suspect it.

  21. I think they probably think its a joke or something when its actualyl happening some of them. maybe its harrassment you can't notice or know.

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