
Study Abroad, Chile or Spain?

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Where should I go to study abroad, out of Chile and Spain, and why? Thanks!




  1. Well, I lived in Spain for three years and LOVED it.  One perk is, not only can you learn/experience Spanish culture, but so many other countries are so close that have very interesting and different cultures.  I would choose Spain all the way!!!!!!

  2. If you are interested in an exchange program find the nearest Rotary Club to you.  Go to this website to find more information about the program.  I have already gone through the program.  You can go to any country you want to for a year.  You can also choose the short-term exchange which is just a summer.  The year is called long-term exchange.  I went to Taiwan and learned Chinese.  When you get there, you'll pick up the language very and i mean very quickly.  You have to, because you'll be living with host families that speak little or no English.  The Rotary Club is the biggest and most organized and growing exchange organization in the world.  It's really worth it.  Don't worry about missing school, you'll make it up when you get back and you'll graduate on time.  I know this because I'm doing this right now.  If you would like to find out more information about this, the best way is to ask me.  I'll answer anything you ask.  Good luck.  Just remember, YOU CAN GO ANYWHERE!!!  This program sets you up for life.

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