
Study Abroad in High School? Any Ideas?

by Guest60600  |  earlier

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So, I'm a freshman, almost 15 years of age, and I would love to go to Europe for either a summer, semester, or year.

I have one year of French under my belt, but I know that is not nearly adequate enough to go to Paris. However, my French teacher did say I was a natural and that she'd be happy to write me any letter of recommendation.

I was thinking London perhaps???

Secondly, are there any GPA requirements? How about financial aid?




  1. My french teacher studied in Paris before she knew much French at all. Now, she is fluent. I do not think that there are any GPA requirments because there are many different programs that you can enter in order to study abroad. Well, have fun, where ever you chose to go! Yes, there are many scholarships that you may apply for.

  2. I just came across this website, you may find many useful information on study abroad, hopefully may help you:


  3. I was an exchange student at the age of 15 also! I went to Mexico, and it surprises me how you limit yourself just because your French may not be perfect. I knew how to say few words when I first went...less than you do French, I imagine. Things like, where is the bathroom? how? why? yes and no and hello! Now I am fluent, I loved my host family, and I am going back to visit again in about a month.  It was the year of my life and will remain so for a veryyyy long time.

    Don't deny yourself the option of going to a country where you may not only learn a whole new culture, but a whole new language as's the best way to learn, and you won't be the first exchange student who steps out of their comfort level for a little while :)

    It depends on the group you exchange through for all of those requirements...

  4. either way, only one year of French is a bit shaky.

    Do you really want to risk it all?

  5. I'm going to France in 09-10 for a year! Right now I only have one year of French, but for the program I'm going with (AFS) you at least need 2 years of French.

    It's too late to apply for this upcoming Aug/Sept. So you would have to go next year.

    But here are a few websites you should check out.

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