
Study Abroad with kids?

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I am thinking of studying in Spain next semester for 4 1/2 months. I really don't want to leave my daughter here. My advisors and her preschool teacher say to take her with me, but my family says to leave her here. Since I'm the one shes with all the time, I think leaving her here with people that she doesn't see all the time would be harder for her than if I took her with me. The language wouldn't be a big change because we speak Spanish at home and my grandparents and her father speak Spanish to her as well.

What should I do? Take her or leave her? Has anyone else had this problem?




  1. i m a fresh graduate.i want to study abroad fo my post graduation.if i get chance i will do this.

  2. Hi its sounds a bit cruel but i would leave her,you don't know what it will  be like .i live in Spain and you are coming in the summer months so the schools are all closed,you could pay a guardaria but she would have to be a resident here to be accepted,so you would have major childcare problems,i take it she is quite young?let her enjoy the summer with family and if possible let someone bring her over to you for a visit in the holidays,sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind,and i think being a mum and further educating yourself is great so go for it,and you will go back home more refreshed and will have lots to talk to her about you're adventure,and enjoy you're experience.

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