
Study options for a future career?

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I'm meant to be starting college in September and I have chosen to do Media, Music Technology, English Language, and IT. I am really interested in music journalism for the future but my parents want me to teach (which I don't really mind doing). I chose my AS level options from this but now I have decided that teaching really would be for me. I have been looking around on university websites and wondered if these subjects would be suitable for somebody looking into doing a B.Ed? (of course saying I got good grades in these subjects)




  1. If you want to do primary education then a B.Ed is fine, but if you wanted a different type, like secondary you are better off getting a degree in the particular field, like music, and then taking the correct channels to get teaching qualified.

  2. as long  as you have B or above in GCSE English, Science and Maths this should be fine (this is for a BEd in Primary Education though)

  3. Hello

    It’s well worth finding out more about teaching and the qualification routes available before deciding on the best option for you, although you need to allow some time for this research.  For an overview of education, have a look at

    You may also find The Open University booklet ‘Becoming a Teacher’ a useful source of information: see (a detailed overview of routes into both primary and secondary teaching).  You haven’t indicated where you live but this booklet provides contact details for professional and regulatory bodies for all four UK countries and the Republic of Ireland.  Remember that if you opt for a PGCE, your degree must incorporate the balance of national curriculum subjects required by the relevant professional body to keep teacher training options open.  

    Then to find out if specific subjects are required or acceptable by individual universities, you’ll need to select courses of interest at and then check out entry requirements.  If you still have queries, then contact the relevant university admissions office for clarification.  

    Incidentally, The Open University offers a Flexible PGCE programme for teaching at secondary level (Music and Design and Technology are subject areas offered); for more information see    


    Experience of working with children and young people (paid or voluntary) will be essential when applying for a place on a teacher training course but more importantly, it will give you a useful insight into working with your chosen age-group.  If you live in Wales a taster course entitled “Prepare to teach” is available (details in the ‘Becoming a Teacher’ booklet).  If you live in England have a look at information on the Student Associate Scheme ( where you can experience a teaching environment for a trial period to see if secondary school teaching suits you before applying for a PGCE, i.e. a trial run in the classroom!  

    If you’d like to widen your career search to other areas, then have a look at the Prospects graduate website for information on jobs relevant to a degree in any of your chosen subject areas (or combinations); see   Choose the subject from the ‘a- z’ to access employment areas either directly related to your degree or where your degree would be useful. In addition you’ll find information on related skills, case studies and further study as well as contact and resource details.

    I hope this helps answer your question and wish you well in your study and career plans.

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