
Study shows: Poor Behavior Is Linked to Time in Day Care -- what do you think?

by Guest62219  |  earlier

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The findings of this study are interesting.

Here is the article from the NY Times:




  1. IT's true. In day care only the children watch many things and keep practicing it.

    Kowingly or unknowingly we repeat the same type of practice or activity in our daily life which gets accoustomed to them and they follow us.

  2. its because children dont get discipline in daycare

    Or enough attention

    a good daycare and they do exist sets boundaries and sticks with them, taking away priveleges and giving time outs  and tells parents to do the same at home

    Having enough teachers and the same teacher everyday allows for relationships to develope, and then it is like being watched by a relative orn neighbor, but this takes time that many big centers dont have

    my advise

    in home day care with a caring licenced teacher

    no more than 3 kids to a teacher

    standard discipline that carries into the home

    a set of moral values to be given to all children regardless of their home situation

  3. if you look at the actual study the percentages are so small that the difference in reactions from children who spent the same amt of time with only their parents or a in home care basically responded almost exactly the same way.....

    if your child is in a good quality daycare(either in home or at a center) with good quality educators and has a set of parental figures at home then the child is going to turn out just fine......if the child is in a lower  quality daycare or just never stimulated with the proper information then the child will wind up on the "wrong" side of this study....

    all of my children were in daycare for various lengths of time (during both day time and months or yrs) and all of them showed very little or none of the effects listed in this study...and i was an educator for over 20 yrs (both in home and in a school/or center) and say the same effects on a smaller scale when the child/ren were left from open to close at the center when parents did not get involved in the childs education or in their lives(other than waking, dressing, or putting to sleep) when a child does not get the proper input from the parent especially in the first two yrs then that is where the problems begin

  4. There is no consistency in the way the children are raised.  Child care has rules and expectations but are not always the same as the parents and children have mixed messages.  America really needs to figure this out.  Our children are losing ground.  I have seen children sent home from preschool because of violent or inappropriate behaviors.  Parents swear that the children do not get these behaviors at home but what is happening?

  5. I think that poor behavior is linked to poor day care centers. I worked in a preschool for 6 years and we had behavioral issues with children who's parents kept them in day care too long during the week. The children sometimes acted out just because they wanted attention from their parents.

    I also believe that poor behavior can result in day cares that have too big of a teacher/child ratio. The ones that pack as many children in a classroom as they can. The ones that may need the extra attention aren't receiving it, and so there are going to be issues.

  6. I believe that the correlation is relevant due to what we can see in society. With the increase in working hours, and the fact that many times it takes a two person income to survive in many large cities (and even small towns) children are being placed into daycare more often than not.

    We hear that it helps to socialize the children, and yes, that is a positive aspect of daycare, but we also see that many of the children in daycare are not getting the proper supervision and proper discipline in the home, causing their behaviors to "rub off" onto other children.

    Daycare centers can become too overcrowded, and can be full of children from all different backgrounds, with all different rules, ethics and morals in their individual homes. This leads to negative behaviors being passed between children.

    So although daycare is needed in today's society, it is no wonder that there has been a correlation made between poor behavior and children in daycare.

    I do not place blame solely on the daycare; I do place blame equally on the parents. If a child comes home from daycare and is exhibiting negative behaviors, discipline them. Ask the children what they learned in daycare, and most importantly, find out about the daycare before placing children in them (i.e. what is the child/adult ratio, what curriculum do they have, what schedule, and what are the behaviors of the children already in the daycare). Check out the daycare for a day or two before sending the children-- see if the other children are exhibiting negative behaviors, see if the adults are able to properly discipline any behavior issues, etc. Just sit and watch for a while to see how things are structured, and how the other children are, before just dropping the children off.

    So the fault lies as much with the parents of the children as it does with the daycare.  That is my opinion.

  7. yes of course, because their parents do not get to dicipline them, and teach them right from wrong during day care, they may also feel unloved, or uncomfortable, when in there.

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