
Study tips for college math101

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I've struggled with math ever since 3rd grade when I just couldn't memorize my times table for the life of me. Here I am, now a college Junior and still struggling. Not knowing the material isn't my problem, remembering all the formulas is. I've got a midterm coming up that's worth quite a bit of my grade and any tips are welcome!!!




  1. Every time you do a problem, write down the formula that goes with it. Even if you know that particular formula. It will become rote.

    Also, this may seem grade school, but flash cards are a great way to memorize formulas. Just write them on index cards. You can get a friend to help you study. He/she asks the formula for quadratic equation, etc, and you give it.

    While doing your homework, put a star next to the ones that give you trouble. Put those on an index card and go over them again and again until you know how to work them.

    Good luck on your mid-term.  

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