
Study wildlife? Nature?

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I have considered studying wildlife. Other than books from the library. Where should I start.

If I had my way I would study it face to face. But unfortunatly the only kind ofwildlife around here are the bears and deer in the woods my parents are so afraid of. Kinda restricting my "exploration"

KNow any good websites? books from a library to recomend?




  1. Oh, you poor deprived dear; you only have the woods near home. I grew up in the Bronx, where the wildlife was mostly human. I still managed.

    Try local parks, if there are any. If there are any local streams or ponds, you have wonderful natural laboratories to study in. Try enticing the wildlife to your yard with bird-feeders and birdbaths. Make an insect collection. When your birthday rolls around, hint that you would like a field guide. The Peterson series is the best, IMHO, but the Golden Guides are surprisingly good, considering their cost.

  2. See if there are any conservation groups in your area you can join, or any volunteer organizations you can help out with.

  3. i have found that by hunting and trapping i have learned far more about wildlife than could ever be taught in a book.

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