
Studying Abroad: A Year vs. A Semester?

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I am really torn about whether or not I should try for a year or a semester abroad. I have been planning on just going for a semester to Germany since there are some classes at my college that I want to take next semester and I am also concerned about working on the election in the fall. However, I have also heard that many people who do semesters regret not having done a year. I'm wondering how much me being here in the states for another semester would really matter in the long run of things and if I should just take this great opportunity to go abroad for a year. So I was wondering if anyone with experience could tell me more pros and cons of being gone for a year vs. a semester. Thanks!




  1. i think to study abroad for a year will make you feel satisfy and also doesn't make you in a hurry because you still have another semester to go. longer you stay, more experience you'll get. i myself has no experience about study abroad but if i were you, then I'll make it for a year for more experience i could get

  2. If you have the time and monetary means to stay longer do it. However, you can always experience Germany on your own.

  3. My university only offers semester long programs. For me, that wasn't nearly enough. I wanted to stay longer. On the other hand, I had friends who were ready to get back to America at the end of the semester.

    I think it is a highly personal decision. Do you think you would get homesick easily? Would you feel like you missed out on things that your friends get to do together that you aren't there for?

    Good luck on whatever decision you make. Enjoy it!

  4. well, i'm kinda in the same boat as you are. I'm planning to go to france in the summer for a 4 week short semester. i did think about doing it for a longer period of time, yet i really can't afford to go for a whole year. 4 weeks alone is going to cost me $9,000 including tuition, room, food, and flights. therefore i suggest you do what you can aford, and what feels right for you. a year away from home is a long time, and do you think you won't feel culture shock or home sick? all these things need to be carefully evaluated. good luck on your decision and trip.

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