
Studying Abroad Oppurtunity?

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I'm 19 years old and I'm attending FGCU (Florida Gulf Coast University) and just recently they had a Studying Abroad day where all these organizations came and talked with the students. I'm planning on becoming a nurse, and then go on from there and become a Nurse Anethesist. Now this isn't really a major where it would look awsome on your transcript if they saw I did studying abroad, like it wouldn't gain me any nursing experience. I've been dying to leave the country and explore the world before I get settled down and I was wondering if this is what I'm looking for? I have around 13k in a seperate savings accout I've had since I was young and was planning on using it on graduate school, but I really NEED to just explore..I have that strong desire to go by myself and live a civilization nothing like the one i'm in. Any insight? Thanks!




  1. Surely you can find something that combines the two, like working in England or Australia at one of their medical schools, or you could go to Spain, because knowing Spanish is ALWAYS good in the medical community.  (of course, intense study of Spanish before now would definitely help you in your studies, there).

    Sure, it might not be the most important thing on your transcript, but most people DO look well upon such experiences...they prove that you are self-reliant, and can function in unfamiliar situations, etc.

    Of course, Hillbilly gives a good suggestion...the Military, or there's always Doctors Without Borders, and WHO, although I'd be willing to bet the last is difficult to get into...not for entry-level nurses.

  2. Sounds to me like you are really looking for something like joining the Navy and getting into the medical corps program for free training, world travel, etc.  This allows you to make money, let your savings grow, get training, experience, adventure, etc.  Good luck.

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