
Studying Abroad in Germany, but don't know language!?

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During August I'll be studying in Heidelberg, Germany for the whole month. I don't know the language at all... which is why I'm going there to learn.

I've been abroad before... but I've never been to Europe. I'm pretty nervous because I don't know the language at all. Is this normal?




  1. Tons of people go to Europe every year and don't know the language.  Whether you come off to the locals as a rude, ignorant American or as a student that wishes to learn more about their language and culture is your choice.

    Definitely know "bitte", "danke", "hallo", "tschuess", before you go (and know them well enough to not have to take a second to think about it!).  

    Try to speak as much German as humanly possible.  You'll feel like a complete idiot at first, but trust me - people will have so much respect for you for even trying that they'll help you out and ignore grammar mistakes.  Even if you can barely put two words together, do it.  Think of when foreign exchange students come to your school and have trouble sometimes - it feels really good to be able to help them and encourage them.  

    Good luck, and congrats on deciding to study German!

  2. It's absolutely normal to be nervous. Millions of students study abroad every year in countries that they don't know the language. The people there and the classes you take should help you better understand the language.

    Here's more info about studying abroad in Germany:

    Hope this helps!

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