
Studying Matthew 4:11. Can you help with relevant scriptures or comments ?

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Matthew 4:11....Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.

See also Luke 22:43 ...An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him.

And Hebrews 1:14....Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

Matt 26:53...Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?

Comment....Angels came and ministered to him. I suppose this ministry was to supply him with food, but they also would afford spiritual sympathy

Is the comment quoted correct ?

What does Heb 1:14 mean , are Angel here to serve us as well ?

Have i miss any important points ?

Can you add relevant scriptures or comments?




  1. There is a strong human tendency to create lots of gods, demons, and supernatural actors.  In a monotheistic religion, these cannot attain true god-like status, but can develop into a complex, even roccoco hierarchy of subsidiary supernatural beings with various powers.  It's all a testament to the power of imagination---such beings are not in evidence in the real world.

  2. (8-11) The third temptation: an appeal to the lust of the eyes.

    Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, "All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me." Then Jesus said to him, "Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’" Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him.

    a. All these things I will give You: Essentially, this vision invited Jesus to take a shortcut around the cross. Jesus came to win all the kingdoms of the world and their glory back from Satan’s domain, and Satan offers them to Jesus, if He will only fall down and worship him.

    i. It again may seem a small thing; Jesus could lay claim to all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, and do so without enduring the cross. All He would have to do is give Satan what he has been longing for ever since he fell from glorious to profane: worship and recognition from God Himself.

    ii. This is a revealing insight into Satan’s heart; worship and recognition are far more precious to him than the possession of the kingdoms of the world and their glory. He is still the one who said I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High. (Isaiah 14:13-14)

    b. Evidently, Satan has authority over this world and its governments. The temptation could not have been real unless there is some real sense that Satan does "possess" all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.

    i. Adam and his descendants gave the devil this authority. God gave Adam the earth as a stewardship (Genesis 1:28-30), and Adam willingly turned it over to Satan. After that, all Adam’s descendants cast their vote of approval by their personal sin.

    ii. Of course, ultimately, all things belong to God; but God allows Satan to function as the god of this age (2 Corinthians 4:4) for a purpose. This is why the fallen world is in the mess it is.

    c. Away with you, Satan! For it is written: Jesus replied with Scripture again, and commanded the devil to leave. In the same way we can resist the devil and he will flee from you (James 4:7). It worked for Jesus (Then the devil left Him) and it will work for us.

    d. Behold, angels came and ministered to Him: God never forsakes those who endure through temptation. Even as angels came and ministered to Jesus, God will find a way to minister to us and meet our needs as we endure temptation.

    e. Then the devil left Him means that Jesus won. He won because He recognized Satan’s mode of attack: lies and deception. Primarily, Satan is a deceiver, and for those who live in light of the cross, deception is his only tool, because demonic powers were disarmed at the cross of their "real" weapons and power (Colossians 2:15). But deception is extremely effective at leading us into sin, and at causing us to live lives of fear and unbelief.

    i. Jesus showed the only effective counter to deception: God’s truth, not man’s wisdom. First, we must see temptation for what it is - a lie. Then, we must combat temptation with the word of God. Then, we must always build ourselves up in the truth, and have it in our heart.

    ii. Each passage Jesus quoted back to Satan in this section comes from Deuteronomy chapters 6 and 8. Jesus was probably meditating on those very passages, and He fought Satan with the "fresh bread" He fed on. We should make sure we always have some "fresh bread" to answer Satan with.

  3. There are volumes written to answer your question, and more will be written.  There is much the theologian does not know about the spiritual world -- because he/she is still in the physical word.

    Angel's ministered to Jesus, they visited Abraham, they surrounded the house of his prophet Elisha, what do they do now?  Can they serve us and we never know?  Your question generates more questions in my mind.

    This is one I will have to study, just as you are.  Buy a good book about angeology and find download a good Bible study software.  They may help.

  4. "Angel" in the Greek, and 'Melakim' in Hebrew mean 'messenger'.  Thus neither word necessarily denotes a particular order of being.  Many of YHVH messengers are the unfallen beings higher than humans, of which Satan was one before he chose to become the adversary of YHVH.  Yes, it is the goal of YAHOSHUA to minister salvation to humans, and He uses many messengers to achieve that goal,

  5. Yes, angels are servants of God who minister to the heirs of salvation.

  6. There are times we are bereft of angelic help. When Jesus asked why he had been forsaken on the cross is representative of the dark night of the soul. These initiations bring us closer to the experiences of those who have denied help so we can help them...they allow us empathy. They also bring us closer to God's voice by bringing us through voices of our fearful ego, the devil who tempts us.

  7. Wow. I started reading and thought it was part of a p**n script.

  8. The word angel means "messenger" and this word expresses the nature of angelic service to the human race. Angels are also referred to as "bodiless Powers of Heaven". Angels are organized into several orders, or Angelic Choirs. The most influential of these classifications was that put forward by pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (not to be confused with Dionysius the Areopagite, who was baptized by Saint Paul and lived in the first century, and from whom pseudo-Dionysius took his name) in the fourth or fifth century in his book The Celestial Hierarchy.

    In this work, the author interpolated several ambiguous passages from the New Testament, specifically Ephesians 6:12 and Colossians 1:16, to construct a schema of three Hierarchies, Spheres or Triads of angels, with each Hierarchy containing three Orders or Choirs. In descending order of power, these were:

    First Hierarchy:




    Second Hierarchy:




    Third Hierarchy:




  9. yes born agains are protected by angels and even my brothers are baptized without being born again and theyve had protection too...

  10. For those that are the saved, yes.

    I do suspect though, that the attending to would be different than how Jesus was attended to, since He is the Lord.

    We can only speculate as to how they attended.

  11. Go to:


    type in Matthew  4 and click on "L" to find commentaries.

    Jamison, Fawcett & Brown is a good one for reading, J. Vernon McGee is a good one to listen to.  

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