
Studying abraod....justifyable??

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So i am thinking of studying abroad this coming year in Vienna. I would be getting a 3,000 scholarship but it would cost me about $10-14,000 dollars. This is a lot of money for my parents and I to spend in a year on schooling.

But would it be justifyable if i wanted to study abroad? I mean, i get a good scholarship here at college. I feel like I should be greatful for what I have here and not ask for more. That means I should finish my education here and not go and study abroad. I guess I am not such a big risk taker. I think of my family and don't want to burden them.

But at the same time, this would be a great opportunity. The only reason it would cost so much is because of the horrible exchange rate. Studying abroad in a foreign country (and i know the language very well) would be amazing.

I guess I am at cross roads here. I really don't know what to decide. So that's why I am asking for input....thanks.




  1. there are pros and cons in studying abroad so do with studying in your hometown. so before going abroad, you have to make a plan of what degree you want to pursue there and if you can apply work after graduation and if it is really worth repaying all the spent money you had in there. and compare it if you are just in your own country with the privilege of gaining the scholarship and the degree you will finish there also if you can apply work easily. this have to be balanced well. and ask yourself, what if i will go abroad and study there and spent a lot of money but after then i will go home and work as normal salary paid men? and then you have to ask at your home country, what if you will only finish your study here and get the same job like when i had been in abroad but did not spend much money? sometimes it could be difficult to decide which to pick. but if i were you, try to talk this matter with your parents since they will be funding you if you want to go abroad. if they don't care how much they could spend even if you won't succeed in your goal, then i prefer you go abroad and continue your study there. who knows, you can apply it in your hometown what you had learned in that country.

    i wish you the best in everything to cope up your dreams. and more power to you in this regard...

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