
Studying abroad at a New Zealand University for a semester?

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I am considering my options and may study abroad in New Zealand for a semester.

What are the differences between the University of Auckland and the University of Otago? When would be the best time to study there: spring or fall? What is there to do on a daily basis for students?

I am really looking for any information and opinions on New Zealand and what life would be like for a semester.




  1. The nicest time to be in Otago would be January through May, as it is usually dry and warm, with Indian summer foliage everywhere. Auckland during that time would be much warmer, but may have a bit more precipitation.

    The University of Auckland is in a metropolitan setting, and you would live "big city life".

    The University of Otago is an almost quaint looking institution, with cute, old-fashioned British buildings and a lush campus with Victorian buildings. Dunedin as a city is also like that, very European, walkable, and mellow, with a decidedly Scottish feel.

    Both Auckland and Dunedin are places whose attractions you will not be able to exhaust in a year, even though Dunedin is so much smaller.

    Dunedin, where I live, would be my preference, simply because of the easy access to mindbogglingly beautiful scenery and beaches on your doorstep, and the much more relaxed feel of it.

    It comes down to whether you are a nature-lover or a city-person, I'd say.

    Dunedin is all scenery and penguins and Scottish quaintness, while Auckland is more metropolitan and vibrant and high-powered.

  2.  just google the websites for those Universities.

    Otago is known for being the party animal University, you should see the state of some of the student accomodation, I wouldn't let my dog live in that alcohol infested dirty shambles!!

    Spring would be better weather than "Fall" (we call Fall Autumn here).  You would need to check you would be allowed to study here, it could be that whatever qualification you are studying for in your own country is not even a qualification that is recognised here.  Also why would we want a foreign student to come here for just one semester?  I would assume they would not be interested in this & if they were they are probably going to charge you alot of $$ for the privilege.

    There would be more to do in Auckland, as a city, than Dunedin (which is where Otago University is).

  3. Zebra is out of date, the days of shabby student accommodation are long gone, though if you really want to you could still find a few. In recent years much of the student accommodation has been improved, upgraded or rebuilt.

    As Tahini Raving Weirdo states, Otago has a much better enviroment for students, very vibrant. Auckland is a lot different - students live a long way from campus and while you can get to Otago U from the other side of town in 20min, traffic in Auckland means that you are unlikely to have much choice than a  lengthy commute and expensive parking to boot.

    There is more to do in Auckland city, but Otago has more natural scenery closer at hand.

    Otago is NZ's oldest and officially the best research uni, so no contest really!

    Your best bet if to go for the start of the year (our "Fall"). The social scene is much better at the start of the year.

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