
Studying abroad for High school Juniors in the Summer ?

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I'm a Junior in high school, and I really want to do like a study abroad program to Spain over the summer 08 before my senior year. I was looking into programs with amerispan [] and also with ISA [] but i dont know if theyre any good..?

But the ISA one doesnt offer any language classes.

I'm looking to have fun [so not a really strict program] and take some spanish classes, also if it is possible to earn like college credits, then that would be good too.

But I would be going by myself & not know anyone, so I dont want to homestay by myself or anything like that, but rather stay in like a dorm or something with a roomate whos also in the program so I can make friends and such.

So: does anyone know any good study abroad programs for high school students that have dorms and stuff?

Also, if you have any study abroad experience, please share




  1. Check into ATAD. I think the website is, but just put ATAD into the search window, it should take you right there.  They will probably set you up in a homestay, but also have group activities with the other Americans.

    The wonderful thing about homestays is that you become part of the family, and ATAD tries to put you in a home with someone your age, meaning you will have a 'sister' or 'brother' in Spain, and if things go well, and I know some families that have had WONDERFUL experiences, you will become like real family, with the exchange going WAY past this summer.

    One friend of mine recently went to the wedding of her 'sister's' daughter, (and these women are in their 50's), they have remained so close all their lives.  The kids have all taken time in each others' homes, and schools, and it's exactly what the organization aspires to have happen.

    ATAD is also very good about re-placing students who aren't in a home that fits.

  2. I studied in England for college and it was great. I loved it. Try and dont worry about not knowing anyone, I didnt either.

  3. i did it in france, but at the time it was when all the riots were happenng.  not fun

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