
Studying abroad highschool exchange?

by Guest44605  |  earlier

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whats your opinion on it? :D

i'd really aprreciate you telling me your story about you if you have ever went to study abroad or foreign exchange or anything in a nice place please,and could you show me some good programs? im mostly looking in the sweden or japanish area




  1. I went on a high school exchange to Central America with Rotary International

    I have also met lots of exchange student from AFS

    Good luck with your adventure

  2. Studying abroad in high school is a great opportunity. It can prepare you for college as well as further international travel and study. I am a program advisor with Intrax Study Abroad, and we offer Academic Year, Fall/ Spring semester study and summer study abroad programs for high schools students. We offer programs in Sweden as well as Japan. The focus of our long-term program is full immersion within the language as well as the country e.g living within a homestay and attending a local high school in which all of your courses are taught in another language. Our summer programs are a good mix of language/culture study as well as extensive travel and alot of excursions. For more info check out: Intrax Study Abroad.

  3. Try to visit this website which I just came across, a lot of information on study abroad, hopefully may help you:


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