
Studying abroad in Fribourg Switzerland?

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I was thinking about studying abroad in Fribourg Switzerland at the Univeristy of Fribourg. Can anyone tell me about the area or the university? Is it really boring there? How much is the cost of living?




  1. There is no postage date so I don't know how old this is... but if you're still deciding then I would think twice. It's a nice place, friendly people and a fine student life BUT for me (let me note that I'm a foreigner who has traveled quite a bit) it's simply too small and dull in the long run. By that I mean boring. The student activities and parties get old after a while and the Swiss mentality is not very open to intellectualism and heart. You get good services though (for a price) and the university is on a human scale. It really depends on what you're looking for but let me just say that I was rather sure I'd like it but after two semesters I've decided to move out of the country to pursue my studies. Well I might have high expectations.
    If it has to be Switzerland think about Geneva or Lausanne or go for it as the country is tiny anyway and you can commute easily.
    Fribourg is definitely cheaper than Geneva or Zurich but more expensive than neighboring countries.

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