
Studying abroad more than once?

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so, i found this GREAT program that would let me study abroad for an entire year (summer included) for cheaper than 2 semesters of private school in the US

but I want to know...

can I do study abroad more than once?

like, I'm interested in going to South Africa for a full year as a sophomore, but what if I wanted to do another semester in, say, Costa Rica or something? Is that allowed at most universities/colleges?




  1. If you don't mind, what is the name of this program? I am also looking to study abroad.

  2. It depends on your school.  Some don't allow it (especially when they cite residency requirements of having a certain number of credits done one campus to graduate), while others encourage it.  Others will defer the cost or allow you to keep scholarships for only one semester and allow you to go more than that, but without university aid.  It all depends on the university.  

    I found that I learned more studying abroad that I ever did in a normal semester at my university, so I definitely encourage your looking into the matter with your study abroad office on campus.

  3. That depends on your university.  Talk to the international education people where you study.

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