
Studying abroad ??

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Which country would be best to study at if i am majoring in Psychology??




  1. I don't really know but it depends on which field of Psychology you want to concentrate in...

    any country with great schools can give you the best possible training in Psychology as long as you set your heart on Psych and you keep learning and discovering interesting things about it.  develop new theories if you can!


  2. It depends on how long you'll be abroad, your language skills, and your academic requirements as far as studying abroad.  If you're going for a semester/quarter, you can often fulfil general education requirements while studying abroad and save your major requirements for when you get back without falling behind in school (which is something you should plan ahead).  If that's the case, you can go anywhere!  If you're staying for a longer period of time or need to study psychology specifically while you're abroad, your best choice is going to be to find a program where you can directly enroll in a foreign university (as opposed to doing a program that has set classes you can choose from).  This will allow you a greater variety in choosing classes and thus help with your degree.  Australia is a good option for that, particularly if you don't have strong foreign language skills.  Though often programs will offer limited classes in specific areas of study in English no matter what country you're going to.
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