
Studying in the UK?

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Hey, I have a qestion about studying in the UK. I live in Ireland and I really want to study in the UK. I'm almost finished school, about 3 yrs left (I know, I've got loadsa time 2 think about this). I was wondering what uni's would be good and which uni's are highly respected? I was thinking about Imperial College but any others? Would I be considered an Inernational Student? And also if I study maybe Medicine or Accountancy in England, would I be able to work in America with my degree?




  1. As an EU student you won't be considered an international student in that you won't have to pay the much heavier fees they often get. Oxford and Cambridge are the most internationally recognised. Lots of international students and EU students there. Oxford for is a very nice place. I went there. Not that I'm biased or anything... ;)

  2. It depends on what you want to study.

    However, a few good unis are cambridge, oxford (those 2 obv)



  3. Hey,

    Like you said, you still have time to think about it but, I'll offer my insight on it. Imperial is a great university. Some other great universities are Univeristy of Oxford, University of Cambridge, London School of Economics, St. Andrews University, University of Liverpool, University of Manchester, Queen Mary, University of London, Univerisity College London, etc.

    The UK has plenty of schools which are highly ranked and well respected. You wouldn't be considered an International Student, I believe you would be an EU Student, meaning part of the European Union, but I'm not too sure. I am considered an International Student as I am from the U.S.

    You may be able to work in the U.S. with your degree, but if you do not want to go through the hassle of getting your degree certified and translated, go to a real respectable university. Most private organizations and businesses will not ask for for the degree to go through an Accredidation Service, but public agencies will.

  4. The best universities in the UK:

    If you're in Northern Ireland, it's already part of the UK.  Otherwise you'd be an international student:
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