
Studying over in London or Paris...?

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I was curious when I graduate if I go overseas to study in London or Paris (I live in the USA) and I could learn to become a Pediatrician for one year and then go back to the USA and go to college in the USA. Is that possible at all for me to do when I graduate?




  1. Paris - unless your parents have extremely deep pockets.

    Tuition fees in France have just gone up, to howls of protest, to the dizzy heights of 380 euros. That's about 500 dollars. A YEAR !

    In London it's many times this figure. Plus, living in Paris costs about half what it would cost in London. It's more fun too.

    You'll have to learn French though. Some French universities lay on crash courses over the summer for American students who want to enrol in the following year - but you're a bit late for that this year.

    Oh, peadiatrician is considered a medical speciality over here. Is that really what you meant? French med school is not highly recommended. Plus we're talking about seven years of study as you have to do a medical degree first.

  2. i would say paris

    its so amazing there

    and london is right now the most expensive city in the world

    but to live in paris you must know french. without a doubt

  3. London.

    Parlez-vous français?

  4. Well, you wouldn't learn to be a pediatrician in one year!  

    In college, usually the first two years are for core curriculum...things like basic science, english, math, humanities (aka social studies).  You don't really get heavily involved in taking classes in your major till your third year of college.  That being the case, yes, you should be able to take a year of classes abroad and have it count toward your degree.  However, your best bet for making that happen correctly is to go through the study abroad department of the U.S. college at which you want to study when you return stateside.  They will be able to guide you as to which programs are accredited and which ones they will accept credit for.  

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