
Stuff about motorbike test etc?

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i'm 16 (soon to be 17) and when i'm 17 i plan on learning how to drive a do i do so? do i need to have a moped license 1st? (if yes how do i get that)...all information about motorbike/moped test and things needed will be helpful




  1. Hey there tobydogbarks!

    Well to just let you know im also going after a motorcycle license but for a sports bike. What i did was go to the DMV and registered myself to take the M1 motorcycles permit (but since you are going for a moped you want to get the M2 moto license). This will allow me to drive a motorcycle during the day for at least six months untill i take my divers test and get my license.

    in my area it costs $25 for three tries on the Motorcycle permit test. When you pass it they will tell you to call them back to register yourself for the driving test. as for me, i've heard nothing but bad thing about taking the test there. That they are really harsh on the day of your exam. And since i had never gotten on a moto b4 i first wanted to learn the basics of a bike and how to ride it.

    one of my friends refferd me to to a begginer riders course. you can see the site online too, i took this class and passed it. it was fun and it teaches you the basics of a motorcycle. Im not quite sure but i think they only give out the M1 license here. But i say just go for it. even if you dont plan on getting a sportsbike, it'll help you in the long run. there was even people in my class that used mopeds but wanted the M1 license. and since your under 21 the fee is 150, and you'll need a parent or gaurdians signature to let the school know that they are ok with it because you are under 18.

    and in the end when you pass the class you'll recieve a certificate from which you can show to the DMV and you'll get your license.

    lol i know this is pretty long but i hope it helps out. Good luck to you. And see you on the road soon. = )

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