
Stuff to do when you are kinda sick?

by  |  earlier

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i am kinda sick with a cold, and i am also super bored, i don't want to spend all day on the computer or watch TV. i have read like every book on my shelf, so reading is no good, and my bro and sis are loud, so i have a headache! and all of my friends are busy today and won't talk on the phone! any ideas?




  1. Tell your friends they can drop what they are doing and talk to you or you will sneeze on them :P :D

  2. Clean your room.  Take a walk.  A cold shouldn't make you so sick that you are bedridden, should it?  Help your folks with some housework, try out a new recipe, balance your checkbook.  I know you don't want to spend all day online but you could spend some time finding new music that you haven't heard before.  Not knowing how old you are, I don't know exactly what to recommend but you get the idea.

    You could come over here and play with my kids.  They need a new playmate :)

  3. you can draw or bother your siblings

  4. make a collage of photos? take a nice hot bath and relax.  

  5. Ghost Ride the Whip!

  6. I guess you could get creative and draw, invent a new game, or write.

    Or you could read something on the internet :)!, catch up on the news or, read some good fan fiction of something you like!

    But if you're really bored for video games, try this link

  7. sleep?

  8. We don't know whats at your house. I don't know do homework. If your in high school then don't even try to say you don't have any lol.

  9. um;

    cleaning always takes my mind off of being sick :]

    no lie!


    that might work?

    but drink lots of water. to be hydrated =D

  10. draw

  11. kinda get better?

  12. wow, learn a skill

    i suggest german or dutch

    im bored too

    got me nutmeg effects on my side though

  13. eat some popsicles and draw some pictures.  

  14. Watch TV

  15. sudoku

  16. Eat soup and watch movies.

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