
Stuff to know when driving through France?

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Tips and advice for driving through France to Salou, Spain




  1. Drive on the right is number one, its easily forgotten. In France the fast lanes are on the inside not the outside as in the U.K. Watch your speed remember its all KM not MPH. Use the front seat  passengers eyes as your second eyes when pulling out, adjust your mirrors. If you do get stopped over there for whatever and its a fine you pay there and then none of this I'll post you a cheque, just bare that in mind. Other than that its great, there are plenty of rest areas with great food and good scenery and rarely is there any traffic unlike in the U.K unless you plan on heading into the big cities, then that's a hole new ball game.

  2. Remain cool and relax, don't drink at all  ;-)

    To cross Paris it's between 10h Am to 4 PM (less traffic)

    Define your way using

    A tip to find your way : chek at the number of road (A20, N 7, D 286) on the traffic boards, it easier.

    About speed limits : satnav are legal because they indicate a location where are the radar !

  3. Right of way.  Unless your road has a stop sign or a white line across you have right of way on any vehicle arriving from your left. So keep an eye on any car coming from your right, even if they come from a smaller road if they don't have a stop sign they have right of way. This works in cities too.

    The ring road of Paris is considered a street so any car arriving on it has right of way on the cars driving on it.

    Be very careful when you turn at crossroads, you will automatically swing on the 'right' side.  Which is the wrong one in France. I usually have a post-it on my dashboard with a drawing of a road and an arrow to show which side to drive on. Very useful.

    Belts are mandatory both in front and behind.

  4. 100% respect the speed limit - there are cameras everywhere. The police are very strict in France about road issues and safety.

  5. Drive on the right.

  6. Suggest you get an AA or similar booklet about the rules for driving in France. For example: you must carry spare bulbs for all lights on your car; you must carry reflector jackets in case you break down; you must carry a warning triangle to place on the road to warn if you break down; you should carry a first aid kit; speed limits are reduced when it rains; motorways (autoroutes) are mostly toll-paying and it can be expensive driving the length of France on them. If you want to find how expensive use the  Michelin route-finder to plan your journey and it will give you an approximate cost of your fuel and the cost of using autoroutes. Some bridges also are toll-paying.  DO NOT drink at all if you are driving as french alcohol rules are very severe including taking your car off you. I am told (but not sure) that using satnavs to warn of speed cameras is illegal. Fines are on-the-spot and heavy. If you cannot pay tey police take your keys. And, finally, don't drive on the first, middle and last weekends in August because that's when all of France is on the roads!!

    P.S. Don't forget to extend your car's insurance for use in France. Ring your insurer and ask for a "Green Card"  and also take out roadside recovery insurance with someone like the AA or EuropAssistance.

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