
Stuff to put in your yearbook's [like quotes] PLEASE HELP ME!?

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hello everyone.

i am getting my yearbook tommorow and all my friends know quotes they are writing in their friends yearbooks but me. i have no idea, please help me think of best friend quotes and quotes for you friends that arn't really your BEST friends.

thank you in advance.




  1. Never Change

    we will have to make some trouble this summer

    let's go shopping for a muff diver

  2. I don't think you really need a quote. If you can't think of one, putting one in that's not important to you wouldn't be as meaningful. Just make sure and write something personal to everyone. Reminisce a good moment with them or remind them of an inside joke between the two of you.

    Good luck!

  3. hey (name) its been really fun knowing you this year. have a great summer

    - your name

  4. We only part to meet again.”

                                                          -John g*y-

    “Life isn’t about finding yourself; It’s about creating yourself.”



    “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

                                                                     -Eleanor Roosevelt-

    “Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.”

                                                                           -Anthony J. D’Angelo-

    “May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.”

                                                                                                   -Irish Blessing-

    “Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same.”

                                                                                                 -Flavia Weedn-

  5. Dr. Seuss

    Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

  6. Well I used this one "Rules are made to be broken."

    Just google good yearbook quotes and I am sure you will get something. Good luck!

  7. There is a good reason they call these ceremonies "commencement exercises."  Graduation is not the end; it's the beginning.  ~Orrin Hatch

    Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.

    A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked.  ~Author Unknown

    I was here but now I'm gone....I left my name to carry on....

           Those who knew me knew me well...those who don't can go to h**l.

  8. BFF, Call Me, Cya Next Year

  9. "Always shoot for the moon, because then no matter where end up, you'll always land amongst the stars."

    "I was eating a bowl of Alphabets cereal, and the message in the bowl was an ominous "Ooooooooooooooo". Then I realized I was eating Cheerios."

    "Smile; it's good for you- like breathing!"

    I usually put down a memory between that person and I...

    Or if all else fails- be funny. A couple times last year I put "Fluffy Bunnies" (which is a random thing I say when the conversation gets awkward)

    Soooo yea.

    d**n! You guys get your yearbooks now? I don't get mine to Oct! *so spring and summer sports and be put in their*

  10. GOOGLE>!!!!

  11. Just avoid stuff like it's been great getting to know you or your a nice person, it all sounds fake. Go for something from the heart. If she's you bf then tell her exactly how you feel about her. In ten years she'll open it up and read that and get the same feeling she did when she first read it. I still read mine when I'm going through stuff and my favorites are the  ones where my friends talk about all the funny stuff. It makes you think back to a time that was the best of your life!

  12. Always dance in your own sunshine instead of someone else's shadow.

  13. Something simple, like:

    "I love you girlie! It was such a great year!" ♥

  14. Have a Kick Asss Summer! (HAKAS for short)

  15. Use some lyrics from your fav song

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