
Stumbled over this in a forum. Do you agree or disagree with it?

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  1. I don't know if the characterization of John Dewey is correct--it could be.  But Americans long ago, for the most part, abandoned the idea of independent thinking and resisting governmental tyranny.  Shield laws for governmental employees and officials have simply sealed the deal, and the Bush drive to annul the Constitution is simply rushing a process that has been in the works for decades.  It is sad that after 220 years of an admirable form of government that created great wealth and influence in the world America is now leaving that behind for the sort of misrule that it fought for so long, and so few seem to notice or care.

  2. I agree with some of it. It is off course and starting to act like prisons. Boring young minds and making them walk in line. Time for big change!

  3. It's hard to agree with such a stretch as this piece.

    I have noticed that here on Yahoo Answers, many people are hilariously ignorant of basic American civics and completely lack critical thinking skills.  Others are as manipulative as any propagandists.  But none of that is by design of the public school system.

    I do think there is a deep fascist streak in this country that feels empowered by recent successes of the conservative movement.

  4. There are several points I do agree with, however the vapidity with which the author attacks the current administration does more to taint what he is trying to say than help. The Schools today simply do not teach what our children NEED to know to be successful in life. Personally I think this is ON PURPOSE. The majority of the schools, the unions that run them and the administrators are of a liberal and democratic slant. It has long been the unspoken position of these groups that SOCIALISM is the way to go, and by dumbing down future generations, you have less to worry about. There won't be the "individualist" who questions WHY we have to obey a new obviously UN-constitutional law...... there will simply be generation of generation of simpltons who are more concerned with Brittany Spears and Lindsey Loser's escapades, than they are their own rights and civil liberties.

  5. Interesting find, but I disagree.

    Although there were some valid points- I do find that college students have problems with questioning what is in a textbook. But, tying these individual issues together in such a manner is misleading. And I think it gives kids yet another reason to not take responsibility for their own learning.

    I mean we all know that many school systems need improvements, but there are some out there that are doing it right. And many successful forward thinking Americans have come through the public school systems.

    OK, It's really late here in NZ. So hope I've made sense.

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