
Stung by wasp 24 hrs agoswelling and warmthwent to dr.he gave me antibiotic, steroid. sound like correct?

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Stung by wasp 24 hrs agoswelling and warmthwent to dr.he gave me antibiotic, steroid. sound like correct?




  1. Well Ultimate was the correct answerer... The doctor did treat you appropriately.

  2. um..........i've never gone to the doctor over a sting, Steroids for it don't sound very correct to me. All i've ever done is either just leave it, or just put a cold washcloth on it :x.

  3. was this a cream?

    antibiotics and steroids seem to indicate the doctor was thinking you had an infection or an allergic reaction to the sting.

    either way, follow your doctor's advise or get a second doctor's opinion Before changing what you are doing to care for the sting.

    Is definatley something anyone would have to see to give any kind of accurate advise.

    Get well soon and stay away from those wasps... they have attitude :)

  4. sounds like a Little over kill for a wasp sting.  I bet the Dr. charged an arm and a leg for the treatment.  I think most Dr,s over treat just to avoid the possibility of a law suit.

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