Today I was driving home and I had to get in the left lane to make a turn at the next light. I got to a place where it seemed like a good spot to change lanes and put on my signal. Well, the dumbass lady in the next lane would not give me any extra room to merge. So after I had my signal on for about ten seconds I just started to change lanes anyway. The stupid ***** SPED UP! She started honking at me and made it impossible for me to merge, then when she was right next to my car she started swearing and yelling at me through her window!
She didn't even have to turn as she ended up going straight through the light! What the f is wrong with people like this, and why the heck did she think SHE had the right to cuss me out when she was just being a *********?!
I would have followed her and reported her except that I did have to get home. GRRRR. What do you think?