
Stupid, sticky labels

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you know those really stupid, sticky labels that when u peel off, the paper just stays there and it looks like a blank sheet of paper but really blotched around? how do you make the label go off on one piece? i just cant seem to get it all off




  1. Goo Gone works amazing for getting the paper left behind from peeling. Takes it right off.  It's also good for gum, marker, crayon, all sorts of nasty messes.  You can buy it at most stores.  Wal-Mart, I know for sure has some, but you can probably find it anywhere else.

    For taking it off without mess, just slowly and carefully peel starting at one corner.  Also, if you can get the label wet and it comes off a bit easier, but that depends on what kind of label it is.

  2. Try some rubbing alcohol...

  3. If the hair drier trick does not work,

    saturate with WD-40 then peal off, if it is on a glass surface a razor blade may help.

  4. Step1

    Place item that you want the label off of down on a flat surface.


    Place label side up.


    Place the hairdryer over the label and heat the label for a few seconds.


    Peel label off.


    Remove any excess adhesive.

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