
Stupid Baseball Stats

by  |  earlier

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Is anyone else tired of watching sportscenter in the morning and hearing a stupid and really long speciffic stat like giambi is the first yankee to hit a walk off homerun as a pinch hitter in the bottom of the ninth with two outs and two strikes.. or this one... this pitcher pitches much better when he is in a dome and the time is a night game on the east coast.. i forget but i heardit in a anyone tired of those stats?




  1. Question: Who was the first lefty batter to hit a double against a lefty pitcher with 2 outs runner on second, in a night game, on the west coast, just coming off the DL, air temperature below 78 degrees, with over
    36,000 people in the stands, on artifical turf, after the 4th inning, in the first game of a double header?
    I don't know the answer to that one, but I know who it was
    on Real Grass!

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