
Stupid ?- Sorry if it makes people mad!?

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I'M sorry.. I have to ask. I am just scared! I just had my son June 14th. (He was a preemie.) I had my first period Aug.4th. Well today I started to spot really dark blood. I normally have a 28 day cycle. It took us 4 yrs to get pregnant with our son and haven't been very good about preventing it since he was born. I always forget to take the mini pill... I shouldn't start my period until the 30th of the month. So my ?'s are...

How long after you have spotting from implantation should you test?

I thought if you were pumping breast milk, you couldn't get pregnant!?

Sorry. I'm just scared. I wouldn't care if I was, its just that I had a preemie and am scared to have any-other one. That and my son is only 10 weeks old. What do I do?




  1. If you are pumping breast milk or breast feeding you CAN get pregnant.  Actually you are more fertile after giving birth.  You should test after your first missed period.  If you aren't trying to get pregnant,you need to make sure you are using protection... whether it be the pill or another form.  

  2. there is always a chance of getting pregnant hon. and do NOT apologize to this forum for your reproductive choices...they are not anyone elses business.

    Implantation bleeding happens at 10-14 out from conception. so you should be able to test NOW.

    i've breast fed for 11 months now, and i've only had 2 periods since i got pregnant w/my 11 month old (way back in Dec of 2006), but everyone is different.

    i started much earlier with my other babies, and so I'm really enjoying this "break" from my period. but you CAN start a period even if you are breast feeding or pumping.

  3. you said it's really dark blood. if it's almost black, it could just be old blood that worked it's way out of your body. ask your Dr., as it may just be due to hormones that your period is a little off. Try not to worry, but do get medical advice from the pros.

  4. Since my daughter was born my periods are outta wack. it just might be your hormones adjusting to not being pregnant anymore

  5. Your not stupid for asking this honey.  For over 2 months I bled irregular so it may just be your body still adjusting but there is nothing wrong with taking a pregnancy test.  God bless you and your son.

  6. Breastfeeding or pumping isn't a 100% reliable method of preventing pregnancy.  You could be pregnant.  That said, it might just be spotting, so don't worry too much.  Your hormones are still a little wacky.

    Wait until your next expected period to test.  No matter what the commercials say, the test really isn't accurate before that date.  (I know, I know, waiting sucks, but testing early is just a waste of a test.)

    If it will stop you worrying, maybe use condoms or another birth control method for a while?  With a preemie you probably have a lot on your mind, it's easy to forget to take the pill.  Your partner may not be overjoyed, but I'm sure he doesn't want you to freak out, either!

    I hope you feel better!

  7. Your periods may be irregular for months after having a baby, especially with breastfeeding.  You may never get that 28 day cycle again.  I used to have a 28 day cycle. My period would come for 3 days, stop for a day and i'd spot for 2 days.  For the first 2 years after my daughter, my period would come every 30-33 days and would bleed heavily for 4-5 days straight.  Then I regulated to a 30 day cycle.  Breastfeeding isn't a guaranteed birth control.  It helps, but it's not perfect.  Basically give it 2 more weeks and test.  If it's negative, then get on the mini pill and stick to it.

  8. do what feels right

  9. I tested + 2 1/2 weeks after implantation bleeding.

    and yes you can get pregnant breastfeeding, or pumping. it happens to more people than you think.(my boss has kids 11 months apart cause she beleived that and didnt use any form of birth control)

  10. You can get pregnant as long as you have had your period.  Pumping/breast feeding doesnt matter.  You cant test until you have a missed period.  ((Same thing just happend to me.  We were using condoms, but one broke and I ended up getting pregnant and having a son is almost 11 weeks))

  11. Although you may have less of a chance of pregnancy while nursing, you can get pregnant anytime eggs are produced.  This increase as time passes after birth.

    You can test as early as 6 days after a missed period.

    After birth, there is still a considerable amount of tissue to be removed that may be occurring with you.  I know it did with me.  The only way to be sure is to ring your OB. Which I highly recommend.

  12. Really dark blood indicates old blood thats been sitting there for a while. Its probably just your body still expelling stuff from your previous pregnancy

    Most women believe if you are breast feeding you are protected. This is true only to a very very strict extent. Breast feeding/pumping only works as a contraceptive when you breastfeed/pump every 4 hours straight including during the night. It is only for women whose soul source of nutrition for their baby is breast milk, and they pump/breastfeed at EVERY feed. If you have a break every now and then, or you use some milk you had stored from last feed, then you are losing any contraception you might have had. The fact he was a premmie might mean his suckle might not be strong enough to stimulate the high amount of hormones you need for contraception.

    The hormones stimulated in breastfeeding works as a contraceptive by stopping your cycle completely...if you are having a cycle then your breastfeeding/pumping as a form of contraception is not working and I would suggest from now on using condoms or another form of birth control

    Besides this, no contraception is ever 100% effective including those who are breast feeding for contraception properly. So yes you could be pregnant again even if you pumped at every feed every 4 hours including during the night.

    However I don't think you are because of the colour of the blood - its old blood not new blood. Implantation bleeding would be new-ish blood and would still be the same colour as menstrual blood. If its definately really really dark, then I would say it is old blood, and thus is not implantation bleeding.

    Goodluck! And congrats on your new baby boy

    P.S. You are not stupid. Many people say you can't get pregnant breastfeeding - what people forget to say is that it is ONLY when you are very very very strict about the times you breastfeed/pump. Many people don't know this, so I am glad you asked this question so that other new mums who read the answers to your question will learn something new today too

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