
Stupid Yellow Finch Bird?!?

by  |  earlier

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I was at my grandmas house and we were looking out her window and enjoying the day. Whehn this yellow fich ( i think ) started banging into the window trying to get in. It has been doing this now everyday off and on....sometimes it will just perch there and look into the house....he is like hurting!




  1. Birds are not stupid.  They simply do not understand glass.  The bird is looking at it's own reflection.  It thinks it's another bird.  It is attacking the "other" bird in an attempt to make it leave the territory.

    Opening/closing drapes or shades can help to break up the reflection.  Window decals, holographic tape, garden spinners, as well as plastic owls and snakes can all be helpful in preventing window strikes.

  2. Birds don't under stand that they can't get thruogh windows because they are clear. The bird could have been trying to get through and when it was perched it could have been looking at its reflection. If you want to stop it try to shut the shades.

  3. lmao

    maybe he wants to make a nest for his gf.

  4. Ask him politely if he would like to come in. Then let him in for tea and scones.

  5. wow

    i think you should talk to ur Grandma.

  6. Some tips...

    >Put some berrys or birds seed in a bowl by the window so the bird will be to busy eatting to care about the window

    >Close the curtains on the window so the bird can not see if you are there

    >ignore it! I mean hey how long are you going to be a grandmas anyways?

    >Let the bird in! (just kidding)

    >Put some pitcures up over the window to scare the birs off

    >tap on the window to bother bird ! LOL

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