
Stupid baby names question?

by Guest56317  |  earlier

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I know this is stupid and I should probably know the answer to it, BUT I don't!

What the heck is a "chav" name? Is a chav a person? Or a type of name? Or what? Is it a bad thing?

I've been seeing this all the time on here and it's driving me crazy!

Thanks for answering!




  1. Chav names:








  2. boy i am glad you asked!!! i really wasnt sure of the meaning either so now i know.

    i made up my own word to describe these future felons--- redneckalicious!!! or commonly refered to as white trash,ghettoish or trailer park wannabes!! in any case it is not a good thing!!!

    good luck,keep it real!

  3. Are you American out of interest?

    A chav is a sort of person who live off of benefits (state welfare), has not worked a day in their lives, pops out children like there's no tomorrow, drinks, does drugs, fights alot, gets in a lot of trouble with the police and wears alot of fake designers and gold jewellery. So in retrospect, no it's not a good thing at all.

  4. It's a British expression, referring to shallow, status-conscious, ignorant individuals. Sort of like the limey version of ghetto-fabulous.

  5. I was wondering the same thing lol.

    thanks for the answers everyone from UK

    and I'll be sure NOT to name my child Chav lol!

  6. lol.

    Chav names are annoying...they are dumb questions but Chav isn't a stupid word.

    I think it's funny it's been around years in the UK..although i can't imagine it in an american acccent though lol.

    I thought they had it everywhere apparently not.

    All the questions have literally popped up today hmmmmm..

  7. Chav (pronounced /ʧæv/), or Charv/Charva (pronounced /ʧɑːv/), is a mainly derogatory slang term in the United Kingdom for a person whose lifestyle, clothing (especially if fake / counterfeit), speech and/or mannerisms are perceived to be common, proletarian and vulgar. The term 'chav' is often used as a stereotype to refer to poorly educated, aggressive working-class youths, but youth and aggression are not the defining attributes of a 'chav'.

  8. I was just googling that lol!

    I had no clue what the word meant.

    Who knew lol.

    From what I can gather CHAV- is a a slang word in the UK

    Glad it hasn't hit the US yet lol

    I wish you the best!



  9. haha i was wondering the same thing i looked it up and it says its a stereotype  in the uk for an uneducated person.

  10. HAHAHAHAH! I hope no one's called you a chav.

    Chav is a mainly derogatory slang term in the United Kingdom for a person whose lifestyle, clothing, speech and/or mannerisms are perceived to be common, proletarian and vulgar. The term 'chav' is often used as a stereotype to refer to poorly educated, aggressive working-class youths, but youth and aggression are not the defining attributes of a 'chav'.

    Basically, chav can be the American equivalent of "wigger" or "gangsta," but not in the good way.  

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