
Stupid cow best way to get revenge?

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My friend's boyfriend's "friend" (who is really weird and used to be friends with the couple) sent him a p**n magazine to his house for his birthday.

On the actual day at school she gave him blown up condoms and tied little ribbons at the closures to make it look like balloons but any half-brained twit could tell they were condoms. she also gave him fake b***s. This totally pissed his girlfriend off and everyone is pissed at her, she thinks it's heaps funny and doesn't regret it at all.

The guy was really upset and it ruined his birthday and we all wanna know good revenge strategies. Whats the best way to teach this chick a lesson and let her know how much she pissed everyone off?




  1. Lighten up.

    She obviously thought it was funny, so what if you didn't? Why would he have a cry over something like that?

    Have a laugh and let it go.

  2. OMG this is PATHETIC ...if you are 18 and sooo mature why do you even care.....just tell her its inappropiate in a normal way or something don't have to act like a bully..

    i bet if that was someone was popular you would be laughing..stop victimizing people

      REALLY people who are married with kids obsessed with revenge is kinda of SAD..their kids prob end up having problems and stuff

    and if it is your friend's boyfriend's "friend"  ,,,what does it have to do with you..i am sure they can sort their own problems out

  3. The poor girl. She made a mistake. She is probably lonely and was trying to make friends. PLEASE don't add to her unhappiness by getting revenge. Just ignore it. Its not your business anyway. It wasn't your birthday. Revenge is a very bitter way to go. You say "people get revenge even when they have kids and are married"  Why don't you start a trend and give revenge the flick. Think about it. Wouldn't the world be a better place without revenge. Forgive and forget.  

  4. turn everyone against her or  blackmail :] hehe evil lol

  5. Make a cake for her using laxative chocolate lol

    I read of a woman who did this to her cheating boyfriend. She gave him a few large slices right before he went on a long haul flight.....ouch lol

  6. Just make it clear that she really upset him. If no one really likes her, then just ignore her, she's not worth the effort.  

  7. Get over it!!! How can something stupid like that ruin a birthday? If the present was stupid, he should just laugh and chuck it in the bin. How petty some people can be.  

  8. p**s in her gas tank.

    HAHA revenge!

  9. Turn everyone against her until she has no friends. When you see her in the hallway shove her books to the floor. If you have a class with her knock her desk over. When she's in gym with you, chuck a volleyball at her head and have everyone start clapping. It'll hurt her feelings so badly. And if she ever tries to apologize just keep on walking.  

  10. Put condoms in her locker.  Then invite her to a party @ the guy she like's house and tell her it's a costume party when really.....

  11. I'm sure what really ruined his birthday was everyone making a big deal out of what she was doing as opposed to making his birthday special.

  12. Get her dad to see it. And put f*** me signs on her back. Call her and say "I know where you are" and put down the phone. Put condoms on the teacher's table and her table. Stick bubblegum in her hair. Go to her house with a couple of your friends during Halloween and say that she invited you for a party. Or invite her to a party to a house that doesn't exist. Do all of these and if you're not satisfied, read others and do this too.

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