
Stupid dream or hidden meanings?

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Okay, first let me say that I've been having alot of-what some might say-"psychic incounters" lately. I just turned thirteen, and that's when all the women in my family say they started having very intuitive vibes and vivid dreams. But here's my dream, and hopefully you can make sense of it. There was a first part to it, but I can't remember it thoroughly enough to explain it, so here's the second part.

My mom, my friend (her name was either Danielle, Raven, Kim or Kiki. And I'm not friends with a Kim nor Kiki) and I believe two or three other people were watching a scary movie. It was really dark out and I remember looking out a big window (like the one we see through from upstairs that's above our front door) as I talked to one of them. I don't remember what I was saying though. The next day we went to something like a marathon. It was a bicycle type though. I was sitting in a Jeep by myself and next to me was a van with a disney world picture on it. On it said "This means alot to us. When you race you raise money, and that's why the Make A wish foundation is really upset when you don't finish!" Now may I remind you, the Jeep I was in had the passenger and drivers seat doors open. I was looking out the passengers seat side view mirror and saw the bikers coming toward me alot of them just passed by the side and I remember thinking "What if one of them jump in the car?" As I'm thinking this a young looking pale boy stopped and looked inside. He said Hi. I got out the car and walked toward the front and said "This is my friend (one of the names up there)'s car." But in reality, the car looked exactly like the kind my mom has. *In the dream, the view constantly changes from my own eyes to as if I'm a bystander watching myself.*

He said okay and asked me if I could by him something. He runs through his hair and says he wants to have body. I said OH! He wants hair gel. All of a sudden, all the people I was watching a movie with come up and one of my friends ask "What's your name?" What he says sounds like a grunt, like someone has his mouth covered. We all giggled and my friends were saying how cute he was. We get in the car to get him hair gel and I look at him (bystander view now) and smile. He smiles back and we drive off..Now we're home. I'm in my room and I get on the computer (eye view) Some site I go to says "Menneson" with little hearts all over it and it's flashing. I click on it and up comes a video. The video is with the guy I just met and some girl, who I later called Madison, but her name was spelt "Menneson". They were having s*x. I didn't think much of it, and scrolled down. At the bottom of the page it said "Fero Audon and Jasmine (My last name) have four kids together and have been married for two years." After I read it out loud I said "OH! So that was his name. Fero Audon." I then asked myself if we got a divorce. I went on Y! and asked if Fero Audon and Jasmine (Last Name) got a divorce, or are we still married. Then I woke up.

What do you think it meant? I saw everything so vividly, so I really did think it was real. And the reason I asked is because last night I was laying on my left side thinking of a song, and it felt like a male voice whispered something in my right ear. I heard it fine, but he was talking too fast. I turned my head and the voice went away.

What do you think all of this means?

Please don't say I'm crazy/nuts/psycho cause psychic-ness runs in my family. Believe it or not, I don't care. Just answer accordingly please. If you had any encounters like this or vivid dreams that came true please help.

Thanks in advance.




  1. umm nothing too out of the ordinary, you just like internet p**n and scary movies just like the rest of us

  2. I dont really think dreams have a meaning its just related to something that you saw, thought about at some time in the day or even in your life

    and btw its pretty amazing how you can remember all your dream like that i have such a hard time remembering mine :p

  3. OK  just because your dream was clear doesn'tmean that it is real. when you hear those voices try praying to God. he is the creator of all living things. He has the power to silence any spirits that are out there. also try reading the Bible or saying the name of Jesus. It truely is powerful.

  4. I thin the meaning of this dream is that time goes fast and our lives are short and should cherish each moment of your life.

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