
Stupid question, but needs answers..?

by  |  earlier

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do guys have some version of a period? i mean like, i konw it sounds ridiculous, but seriously, they are MORE EMOTIONAL than most of us girls!!

opinions? ideas? thoughts?




  1. if u remember from health class wat causes periods u would remember guys don't give birth. There is no version of a period for guys unless u get nailed hard in the balls or kidneys and pee blood. But other than that nothing close  

  2. No, but some guys are hormonal, I guess. One of my close friends is a guy and he has more mood swings than a pregnant women.Hee... Hee...We make fun of him though. It's fun sometimes but at other times it could get on your last freakin nerves!

  3. " Once an month for five days a woman acts the same way men do all the time " .


  4. Well... um.. no we dont have periods.. but during puberty our hormonal balance is way out of whack.. young dudes get choka block full of testosterone and they arent sure how to handle it... it's a bit like putting a baby behind the wheel of a tank sometimes... they keep rolling along out of control.

    Anyway... with all these hormones racing around, temperaments tend to get out of kilter with reality. I highly suggest you be kewl and stop stirring up your friends... I know you like to play these games... in training for when you are married and tormenting the living daylight out of your husband... but, fair cop. You aint married to this young dude.

  5. This has to be a joke.....pathetic.

  6. no.

  7. He probably was just in a bad mood. Men don't have periods or anything like that.

  8. we just feal like it!!!!

  9. According to some doctors they do .... have a hormonal cycle.  In this article it is referred to as Irritable male syndrome.  There does seem to be some valid studies on this ......

    but of course that would take the wind out of guys when they say, you just have pms - they might have to own up to their own overly emotional mood swings.

    And yes I agree guys can be just as bad a girls!

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