
Stupid question about food i know but i wanna know what you think?

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do you say cold cuts or lunch meat me and my friends are always arguing about it




  1. cold cuts!

  2. cold cuts. dunno why. always did.

  3. I say lunch meat maybe its a geographical thing- I'm from California...maybe "cold cuts" is an east coast-ism?

  4. i say lunch meat. i'm from the north, and now i live in the south and people down here say lunch meat, so maybe it's a western thing? or wherever you live.

  5. Lunch meat.  Cold cuts just sounds kind of nasty to me.

  6. Ugh. Gross.

    I guess I usually say "cold cuts" but most of the time I'd just refer to it by what it was: turkey, bologna, etc.

  7. It's a geographic influence on your dialect. I call them cold cuts as I am originally from the northeast and now I get weird looks at the store when I use the phrase in TX. It is similar to the many variants of soda found across the country (soda, pop, coke, soda-pop, etc). Technically you are both right as cold cuts and lunch meat are different words for the same thing based on dialects.

    It gets very interesting when you have moved around the country enough that you use multiple dialects/local phrases at the same time; then nobody knows what you are saying! :)

  8. as far as i know they are the same thing just where you come from

    personally i do not eat eather because they are not vegetarian but lunch meat is used for sandwiches at lunch and cold cuts are used any time of day (:

  9. I think it depends on what area of the country you live in.  Here in the South we usually call it lunch meat.  Yankees call them cold cuts.  

    Of course we also call EVERY soft drink a coke, even if it's Sprite!

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