
Stupid question but i'm asking it anyways!?

by  |  earlier

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So there is this guy I work with and we flirt all the time and i'm not sure how, but we got on the subject of girl's cycles. I told him that I was on day 14 which technically is when a girl is horniest, because she is ovulating! haha! anyways, so then he kept saying things like "does this turn you on?" and then he would like start rubbing my back. Then he said to me "so do you wanna make-out with me like hard core right now?" and he said how he thinks he is always on day 14... blah blah blah, so anyways, basically he was turning me on a TON and i'm SUPER attracted to him, but was he just havin fun and messing around or was being a little serious? do you think he sorta wants me make out with me? I know this is really dumb, but I just don't know! :)




  1. ehh sounds like he does have something for you but i cant tell if he he sees you more as a hookup or as a somebody who could be girlfriend potential, maybe you should have like a serious talk and be like hey this is kind of awkward but do you like me cause i kinda have a crush on you, that way you can find out his true feelings before you fall for him very fast and end up really hurt...hope ive helped (:

  2. stupid question deserves a stupid answer.... just s***w the dude and get it ova with

  3. he didn't now what you where talking about !!!

  4. lol i know lots a guys like that!

    yes he does i guarentee.

    but he doesnt know ur reaction so he plays it like hes kidding and doesnt know if u wanna.

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