
Stupid question i know. but what election is going on in usa??? is it for president or something else..?

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Stupid question i know. but what election is going on in usa??? is it for president or something else..?




  1. It's not that stupid if you don't live here.

    there is a Presidential election in November, and there are also Congressional Positions up for election.

  2. In November there will be elections for US President, all 435 members of the House of Representatives, 33 or 34 out 100 US Senators, and several State Governors.

  3. May we assume that you are not a US citizen or living in the US?

    In the United States we are voting for the President (as we do every four years)

    Additionally, of the 100 US senators (2 from each of the 50 states) 1/3 are up for election. A senators term is for 6 years.

    Also we have 435 members of the house of representatives (congressmen) all are up for election (every two years)

    On the state and local level, many governors, state legislatures and local representatives (mayors, city council, etc)

    Finally, many ballot initiatives will also be voted on throughout the country from issues as small as funding a new school, to g*y marriage and legalizing marijuana.

    I hope this clarifies the situation for you

  4. Every four years a presidential election takes place in USA.

  5. yes its mccain and obama and obama is probably going to be the first black president

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